International Association
for Open Knowledge
on Invasive Alien Species
Individual Member Profile
Dr. Mattias Lars Johansson Assistant Professor
Small Island Sustainability
University of The Bahamas
Position in the INVASIVESNET Associate Member
Associate Editor of Management of Biological Invasions
Expertise Of the many impacts of global change, changes to global biodiversity are some of the most obvious and concerning. Species are disappearing, some are expanding their ranges naturally, and others are being transported far from their native ranges by human activities (both intentionally and unintentionally). The impacts of these large-scale changes to biodiversity are often unclear, but are potentially detrimental to the natural world and come at a cost to the world economy and humanity’s quality of life. Dr. Johansson's research attempts to understand and predict current and future distributions of biodiversity by utilizing classic and cutting-edge genetic tools and analysis methods. His current research follows two tracks. One research direction focuses on using population genetic tools to understand the population distributions of native species and the global spread of invasive species. He is also engaged in a variety of projects that utilize genetic tools to complement other research techniques, such as GIS and remote sensing, to illuminate otherwise difficult-to-study ecological and evolutionary processes.
Expertise Keywords
Population Genetics, Systematics, Invasive Species, Molecular Ecology

Online databases
Editorial assignments Associate Editor, Management of Biological Invasions
Reviewing experience Antarctic Science, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Diversity and Distributions, Ecology and Evolution, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Fishery Bulletin, Fisheries Research, Gene, Genetica, Heredity, Journal of Heredity, Marine Biology, Marine Genomics, Molecular Biology Reports, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, PLoS One, Polar Science, Zoological Science
Professional societies INVASIVESNET
Expert networks and working groups
Professional social networks
© 2021 International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species | Registered Association 221.451
Registered Office: PL 6, 00981 Helsinki, Finland