Impacts of oil contamination on estuarine flora and fauna:
Effects of biodiversity on resilience of estuarine fishes to disturbances:
Influence of river diversions and habitat restoration on salt marsh food webs:
Habitat use and production of seagrass in the Gulf of Mexico, with an emphasis on blue crab linkages to turtlegrass:
Submerged vegetation restoration
Online databases
Editorial assignments
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Aquatic Invasions
Associate Editor, BioInvasions Records
Academic Editor, PLoS ONE
Reviewing experience
Aquatic Invasions, BioInvasions Records, Marine Ecology Progress Series, PLoS ONE, Oecologia, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Hydrobiologia, Estuaries and Coasts, Journal of Fish Biology, Marine Biology, Aquatic Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Southeastern Naturalist, Aquatic Research, Southeastern Geographer, Ecology of Freshwater Fish, Ecosystems, American Fisheries Society, Reviews in Fisheries and Fish Biology, Journal of Current Zoology, Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography, Gulf of Mexico Science, Austral Ecology, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, Florida Scientist, Acta Ethologica, Molluscan Research, Sustainability, Annals of Aquaculture and Research, Tropical Conservation Science, Austral Ecology, Marine Environmental Research, Frontiers in Marine Science, Wetlands Ecology and Management
Professional societies
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
Expert networks and working groups
Professional social networks