International Association
for Open Knowledge
on Invasive Alien Species
Individual Member Profile
Dr. Sonia Vanderhoeven Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Position in the INVASIVESNET Associate Member
Executive Committee member
Expertise I am currently senior scientist at the Belgian Biodiversity Platform where I coordinate activities on IAS and biodiversity conservation. I am the facilitator of the Belgian Forum on IAS that integrates scientific information on presence, distribution, ecology, impacts and management of species. I have a special interest in science-policy interface and related tools such as risk analysis.
Expertise Keywords
Risk assessment - Science-policy - Decision support - Communities of practice - Invasive plants - Citizen Science Communication on IAS - Distribution data - Management of IAS - Risk management - Social perception
Atlantic & Continental Bioregions
Projects Belgian Biodiversity Platform Belgian Forum on Invasive Alien Species Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS)
Online databases
Editorial assignments
Reviewing experience
Professional societies
Expert networks and working groups Belgian Forum on Invasive Species Invasivesnet
Professional social networks
© 2021 International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species | Registered Association 221.451
Registered Office: PL 6, 00981 Helsinki, Finland