International Association
for Open Knowledge
on Invasive Alien Species
Press Releases

Special issue of Management of Biological Invasions: Advances in the study of the management of biological invasions in inland waters and the legacy of Gordon Howard Copp (1956−2023)


INVASIVESNET signs with Pensoft to move its official journal: Aquatic Invasions to ARPHA Platform


New tools to manage invasive species that threaten Palmyra Atoll's coral reefs

Scientists found new methods that may help control an invasive anemone species threatening valuable coral reefs in the Central Pacific Ocean


Team discovers invasive-native crayfish hybrids in Missouri

In a study of crayfish in the Current River in southeastern Missouri,  researchers discovered that the invasive virile crayfish, Faxonius virilis, was interbreeding with a native crayfish, potentially altering the native’s genetics, life history and ecology.


INVASIVESNET participates in new EU-project LIFE RIPARIAS

LIFE RIPARIAS is an EU-funded LIFE project that brings together Belgian authorities and citizens to manage Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in river areas and ponds across borders. INVASIVESNET is a supporting project partner, being a key actor for international outreach of LIFE RIPARIAS.


INVASIVESNET sponsors 12 international summer school participants

The International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET) is sponsoring 12 participants of the international summer school


Horizon scan of invasive alien species for the island of Ireland

More harmful, environmentally damaging freshwater, marine and terrestrial invasive alien species are expected to arrive on the island of Ireland through human activity within the next decade.


CABI scientists help discover new biological control for noxious parthenium weed in Pakistan

CABI scientists, as part of an international team of researchers, have discovered a new biological control in the fight against the highly noxious and invasive weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) in Pakistan.


Galapagos Islands Have Nearly 10 Times More Alien Marine Species Than Once Thought

A new study released March 28 reports that the iconic Galapagos Islands have been invaded by nearly 10 times the number of alien marine animal species than previously known from its shores.


A parasite causes the collapse of the protected fan mussel (Pinna nobilis) populations in the Aegean Sea

Researchers at the University of the Aegean, the Hellenic Center for Marine Research and the University of Thessaly (Greece) have provided the first evidence that a highly invasive parasite has recently invaded the Aegean Sea and caused the mass mortality of fan mussel populations.


University of Derby study confirms highly invasive species has reached UK

Researchers at the University of Derby have provided the first evidence that a highly invasive species of freshwater crustacean from North America has reached locations in the UK.


The Aliens Have Landed… and we invited them

August 2018 $1.4 trillion a year: the estimated cost of mitigating damage by invasive species Biological invasions impact every landmass and ocean on the planet Invasive species are linked to more than half of all extinctions

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Registered Office: PL 6, 00981 Helsinki, Finland