International Association
for Open Knowledge
on Invasive Alien Species
June 2019 issue of Aquatic Invasions is now online!

In this issue: 

Parasites are raising concerns: In the Aegean Sea (Greece) a parasite caused the collapse of the bivalve Pinna nobilis populations in the (read more in our press release). The invasive parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea raises concern in Patagonia, Argentina; while substantially reduced parasite diversity on the invasive Australian Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus may increase the ability of this species to become a serious fish pest. 

Food choices are important in life: The marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis is not a very picky eater, making it a highly adaptable invader. The successful invasion of the quagga mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis and round goby Neogobius melanostomus in the Biesbosch (The Netherlands) put some new food options on the menu, but this is not likely to benefit native fish species

DNA helps identify new invaders all across the globe: The use of DNA and molecular techniques is extremely useful in identifying new invaders, as is the case with a new benthic foraminifera in Norway, and new analyses of Spirobranchus kraussii serpulids from its native and presumed invaded ranges indicates it is not a widespread invader after all! Meanwhile, invasive annelids in California are on the move, expanding southward and DNA sequences suggest they may have some help from additional introductions. 

Experiments determine impacts and optimal conditions for invaders: Using artificial substrate experiments, UK researchers investigated the potential impacts of quagga mussel on macroinvertebrate communities in a tributary of the river Thames. In Brazil, settling plates were used to quantify invasive Stragulum bicolor octocoral recruitment, and results indicate it takes advantage of warmer periods to recruit and overgrow other substrates. 

Some species are expanding their range: “jump” dispersal of the Killer Shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus using vessel transport will probably lead to a soon appearance within the entire Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Finland. Higher sea temperatures may enable a future northward expansion of the African pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi along the European Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. 

Species’ introductions may (or may not) have impacts to local communities: In the case of the bleak Alburnus alburnus the wide plasticity of population traits plays an important role in its successful invasion in the regulated Segura River Basin in Spain. Finally, the study of an introduced chiton in Australia found that sessile assemblages were largely unimpacted by this new invertebrate.
Please visit our website and download Volume 14 Issue 2 of Aquatic Invasions – it's Open Access!

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